Living a life beyond yourself.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

I have some amazing friends travelling and volunteering in Africa at the moment whilst others are preparing for similar ventures in Asia later in the year. This isn’t the type of tourist holiday where you sit on a beach (although they are good too). Rather, it is a person giving their time and skills to invest in those in poverty.

In Proverbs 31:20 (NCV) a wise woman is described as a person who “welcomes the poor and helps the needy.” I love this verse and it excites me to see it in action in my own life and those around me.

There are many forms of “poor and needy” in this world. There are those who have little in the way of food, shelter and water, while others may be suffering from illness or isolation. It’s not just in Africa and Asia, but in our own communities too. We can all do something to help others, the questions is, what are you doing?

1. Think and pray about what you can do. Think about the skills that you already have- you’ll be amazed at what you are already capable of!

2. What stirs your heart? Homelessness, human trafficking, adult illiteracy…. there are so many!

3. Find volunteering organisations that are known for what they do and have proven that they are trustworthy and effective in helping those in need.

4. Think locally and globally. There are things you can do on a regular basis to help those in need in your community as well as overseas volunteering opportunitiees.

A Girl of Wisdom lives outside of her own needs and desires. She is selfless in her motivation and genuinely wants to see poverty abolished. When she sees the needs that exists in the world, she is moved with compassion to reach out her hand to help.