Time for a good spring clean?

Monday 12 September 2011

I love spring. I love seeing flowers begin to bloom, birds building their nests and the sun shining once again. I also love a good spring clean, going through my cupboards, wardrobe, pantry and the like and having a good clean out of anything that I haven’t used in ages or don’t need anymore. It’s amazing what I find at the back of cupboards- things collecting dust that I had completely forgotten were there!

Just like a clean out of a house is good, sometimes we need to do a bit of an internal spring clean of ourselves. Proverbs 21:3 (MSG) says, “Clean living before God and justice with our neighbours mean far more to God than religious performance.”

Who you are on the inside is important to God. I encourage you in your prayers this week to ask God to show you any areas within you that need a spring clean. You might be surprised by what shows up!

A Girl of Wisdom desires to live a pure life. She’s not afraid to uncover any cobwebs that may be within the corners of her heart and she asks God to help her work through any ‘dusty’ parts of her life.